All School meeting
The next All School Meeting will be on 24th June 2021.
The College of Teachers warmly invites you to this year's All School Meeting, on Thursday 24th June 6.30-8.00pm. The format of the meeting will differ from past years, with the All School Meeting being held separately from the AGM.
We would like to come together for the first community gathering in over a year, to discuss and share thoughts about the year ahead at St Paul's, building a picture of the hopes of all stakeholders within our community, parents and teachers alike.
The College of Teachers have been working to put together 6 vision points; areas of interest and focus, to centre our discussions around for the meeting. The visions and aims are by no means an extensive list of targets for the next year, however, will allow us to focus our thoughts to a core group of aims.
Members of College have chosen these points following discussions about areas where progress and development can be made within the school, with many of the themes interconnecting. During the All School Meeting we would like to hear your thoughts and ideas about these vision points. Building on the planning already begun by members of College, this will allow us to start the next academic year with great momentum, with an understanding of the thoughts of the wider community central to our planning.
Below are brief outlines of the vision points:
Neurodiversity – Develop the understanding and awareness around neurodiversity, community wide; from assemblies and lessons for children throughout the school, workshops and talks for parents and training for members of staff.
Parental Workshops and Study Groups – Develop a programme of evening talks, workshops and curriculum experience sessions, increasing community understanding and engagement around themes of child development, Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy.
Landscape Plan – Develop the landscape plan, engaging outside agencies in the design process and plan targeted fundraising, with clear implementation stages throughout the year.
Encouraging a Wider Demographic within the School – Developing clear strategies to widen the demographic within the school community, both within the pupil and staff bodies.
Cultural Programme/Building Use – Planning program of cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, plays etc. to be held in the Nave/Hall/Project space, widening the local community’s awareness and engagement with the school.
After School Clubs/Wrap-around Care – Introduce after school clubs and wrap-around care to the community, with the possibility of also introducing holiday clubs in the future.
Throughout the evening you will have the chance to engage in discussion about each of the visions in small groups. The feedback will then be collated and analysed by working groups within the College of Teachers.
Following the discussions, we will celebrate St John’s Festival. This festival wonderfully ties to the theme of the evening. During St John’s, we write down our hopes for the year to come, much like the children do, we will then send these hopes into the fire before leaping over the flames.
We very much look forward to seeing you all there.