DSL Update letter - 3rd February 2021

Dear Families
I hope you are all keeping well in these trying and unprecedented times. There are few important Events this week and this month that I wanted to draw your attention to and provide links for further information.
I also want to give you some resources that may help you to handle some tough situations at home. In my role as the DSL, it is important to keep you informed of the help available to you. There is an addendum to the Safeguarding and child Protection Policy, which you will find on our website under the Policies section, which will be relevant during periods of lockdown and remote learning.
LGBT+ History Month
This month is LGBT+ History Month and the theme this year is ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’. LGBT History Month is an annual celebration that provides education and insight into the issues that the LGBT+ community faces. The primary aim of LGBT History Month is to teach young people about the history of the gay rights movement and to promote an inclusive modern society. You can find more information here: https://lgbtplushistorymonth.co.uk/
Race Equality Week
The UK’s very first Race Equality Week is scheduled to take place between 1st and 7th February 2021.
The UK-wide initiative, launched by Race Equality Matters, aims to unite organisations and individuals in activity to address issues affecting ethnic minority employees. The theme for the inaugural event is Transparency and Accountability.
Race Equality Matters, founded by executive recruitment consultancy Green Park, The Collaboratory and Black History Month, aims to tackle racial inequality in the UK. It was created last summer in response to the Black Lives Matter Movement to turn declarations of commitment and support from organisations and individuals into meaningful change in racial equality both in the workforce and in society. There’s a dedicated website with live and recorded events, resources, blogs etc. here: https://www.raceequalitymatters.com/.
Children’s Mental Health Week
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This is especially pertinent in the current times. The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is Express Yourself.
Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. It is about finding a way to show who you are, and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself. The website here https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/ has a dedicated Parent & carer section.
Following on from this, I would also like to tell you about Ollee. Ollee is a free online virtual friend aimed to help 8 – 11 year olds and their parents navigate tricky conversations on topics, including family, friends, school, the world, their body and the internet. After answering a series of questions to understand the problem, Ollee then offers supportive advice and signposting to other resources. You can find Ollee here: https://parentzone.org.uk/ollee/for-parents
Many teenagers are experiencing anxiety and uncertainty due to lockdown and the pandemic. The NHS every mind matters campaign promotes mental health and self-care tips for young people. There are videos on exercise, sleep and how to take care of yourself on social media. It also includes signposting to further support.
Online Safety Updates + Health Wellbeing Screen Time Tips for Families
Home Learning tips from Childnet and advice from Mental Health org are available to help you talk to children about safe internet use. Children can use Toolbox | Childline for support which includes games, videos and exercises to help them handle their emotions, and specific information about coronavirus and going back to school.
BOLOH - Free Covid-19 helpline and webchat for Black, Asian and minority ethnic families
The BOLOH helpline was launched on 1 October 2020 by Barnardo's with funding from the National Emergencies Trust. The service was set up in response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who have been disproportionately affected. The service is aimed at children, young people and their families from these communities. Please find attached a leaflet with further information.
Domestic Abuse – You are not alone
There has been a significant rise in Domestic Abuse in the UK since the start of the pandemic. As a school, we recognise the impact it has on the children and their families. There’s a dedicated website - National Domestic Abuse Helpline https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ where help can be sought. The Government has clear guidelines on what to do if you are experiencing Domestic Abuse during lockdown, details can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/domestic-abuse-how-to-get-help.
Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 9th February 2021
The theme for next week's internet safety day is 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?
All the resources you need can be found here: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2021
With Half-term fast approaching and lockdown still upon us, I wanted to send you some links of activities that you may find entertaining.
Families First Magazine
In the link below, you can find a free e-copy of Family First magazine, packed full of information to help keep children happy, learning & entertained at home during lockdown. We hope it helps in some way.
Below are some links to free theatre and classical music shows:
Playbill – Various shows and theatres - https://www.playbill.com/article/schedule-of-upcoming-and-current-free-live-stream-broadcasts-com-322823
National Theatre - https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/nt-at-home
Classic FM Classical Music Concerts - https://www.classicfm.com/music-news/live-streamed-classical-music-concerts-coronavirus/
I hope you will find this helpful!
Warm Regards
Tamara Allen
Designated Safeguarding Lead