St Paul's Steiner

Advent Spiral - L - Z

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This event will take place between 5:45pm and 6:45pm on 01/12/2023

This year the Advent Spiral will be held on Friday 1st December. This is a very special event in the school calendar.  In order for the teachers to prepare the Spiral, we will be closing the school on that Friday at lunchtime, 1.15pm. Please make sure you have made plans for your child in the afternoon of that day. There will be no Lunch Club on the day.

The Advent Spiral is perhaps the most profoundly moving community festival of our year. The spiral image can be found in all cultures and is one of nature’s many patterns. This festival honours the return of light into the world, and we use the spiral to represent the seasonal rhythms and the contemplative journey we take to find our own inner light. Each child and teacher in turn light their own candle from a central flame by walking a spiral path of greenery, and the collective light spreads throughout the Nave.  

The first Advent Spiral will begin at 4:30pm, and will include children with surnames beginning A - K.

The second Advent Spiral will begin at 5:45pm, and will include children with surnames beginning ,L - Z, and all Class VIII students.

As it is a calm and reflective festival it is important the children have the opportunity to go home and rest after school. This will help them to attend in a reverential mood, which sets the atmosphere for this special occasion. Please ensure your child does not wear flowing dresses and all long hair is tied up. Parents are warmly invited and most welcome to witness this wonderful festival.